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Amazed at the many things this little DS platform can do. Aim to bring the full potential and all fun things the Japanese are already doing to the other side of the Pacific.

Friday, January 4, 2008

[Sangokushi Taisen DS] Beginner WIFI Strategy

So now that you know the basic of this game, I bet you must be very eager to play online through Wifi. So how do you play well through WFC? That's a million dollar question that I cannot give you a definite answer. But I do want to give some hints and tips to some beginners to the online world of this fantastic game.

In this post, I am going to talk about a strategy that I think is very suitable for wifi beginners. Let us start first with the key cards in this strategy.

Your deck will need to have one of these 3 cards. These 3 cards have a special skill that can call for asteroids to fall on enemy castle. This attack does a decent damage on the castle hit points. But this skill costs 7 units of morale. The last card above actually has a different version of this skill. It costs only 5 morale units. But the problem is that the card will need to be stationery for a short period of time before the skill is executed while the other 2 cards can cost damages to the castle instantly.

So what is the big deal with these cards? Their special skills allow you to hit the enemy castle without getting to the enemy castle area. So the strategy is around setting up great defense to protect your castle and the key card in the deck. You will need the other cards of your deck to use various skills and abilities to fight off waves of attack from your opponent. And when you have enough morale units left, you can pull off the key card skill to land some hits on the enemy castle. Normally you will not have enough hits to KO an opponent. You will most likely be shooting for using the key card skill at the final moments of the game when you and your enemy both have full hit points for the castle.

So how do I set up the defense? It really depends on your preference. You can have all archer cards in your deck. Many archer cards will have the "barrier" ability so that they can set up barrier in front of them to help out the defense. But this defense does not work well against enemy deck with many cavalry cards. You can also have a bunch of spearman cards in your deck. A line-up of spearman can really help in fighting off cavalry cards. But this defense works poorly against archer cards. You can also think of using a mixture of archer and spearman cards. In my opinion, a group of cavalry cards are not as good as a group of archer or spearman cards in defense.

Why is it good for wifi game beginners? First of all, you really don't need to go to the enemy side of the battle field. So you can limit the movement of your cards within your own side of the field. This really helps me out when I first started because I cannot move the cards as quickly and react as quickly as some of the more experienced players. Also, the battle will usually last longer because you concentrate so much on defense. So I will have more time to study other people's attack strategy and learn from them.

What are the disadvantages of this strategy? First of all, it can be a really boring strategy because the battle can be really long if your defense is strong. Also, the key card skill will require 7 morale units (with the exception of the last card) so you really should not construct a deck with mixed factions. Finally, it is an extremely passive strategy and very often you will get the feeling that you are not in control of the battle.

So can you think of another strategy that is more suitable for wifi game beginners? Please do share and let me know.


Unknown said...

Thanks for getting into the online aspect of this game. This is one area that I'm very interested in for Sangokushi Taisen, but another online feature I've heard about it the ability to trade cards you've collected with other people. Do you have any details on how this works? Does the game put any restrictions on what trades can go through (like only allowing one-to-one card trading, etc.)? Thanks for any information on this.

Unknown said...

I had one other question about online games: Since I'm in the US will I still be able to see the Japanese players and connect to a game with them? I don't know how the Nintendo network handles connections between countries and long distances, so even if I am able to see them online will the connection quality be too poor to play a game? If I'm only able to play against others in the US then I'm afraid my online gaming will be few and far between.

Tree said...

The trade can only be done through wireless connection, not through wifi. Also it is a one-to-one trade.

For wifi game play, you will be assigned to play against players worldwide. I find the connection quality to be very good even for long distances. But it also can depend on your own wifi connection. Some people can have really bad reception at their end as well.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the helpful information. I have some other questions about online gaming: Are you able to win cards during online games in the same way as playing against the computer? Do you have the same likelihood of winning a card during both types of games, and are the cards you win in both game types the same quality? If so, then it seems like it would be worth it to have two copies around so your chances of collecting all the cards are higher (by setting up games between yourself for instance :D).

Tree said...

I don't seem to recall seeing anyone who can confirm that quality of cards obtained through wifi play is better than offline.

Your best chance of collecting cards is through trade or play through the super hard of the practice mode repeatedly.